First off let me say this, I'm not trying to be skinny! I gave up on skinny way back in high school. This journey is about being healthy and fit. It's not about a look. I don't give a crap about skinny.

Today at the store I had a woman tell me that I needed to stop losing weight. She told me I was skinny enough. And that if I lost any more weight I wouldn't look right. Then she moved on and a few minutes later came back just to reiterate her point. She told me that I should not over do it, because I'll look bad. Then she finally left me alone. Most of the time I love when people come up to me at the grocery store,
or at Walmart, or the library. Wherever they see me. I don't mind
stopping, talking, and answering questions. She really made me angry. I know that according to charts for my height, which is 5ft. 2in. I should weight between 110 and 140. But that's not my goal. My goal is 150, and I only need 8 more pounds to go. I have spoken to my doctor and he says a weight of 150 is perfect for my age and the fact that I have had a baby.

And while there is no end to this journey, most of all what I want for the rest of my life is to be fit not skinny. I want to be healthy not thin. I feel that those should be everyone's goals. And if not then maybe your goals need to be reevaluated. The scary part of trying to be skinny is that it can lead to unhealthy choices. I can't say that I totally don't care about what I look like, because let's face it we are all human. But it's more important for me to know that on the inside I'm doing the best I can to live a healthy lifestyle.
Very well said!